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Thursday, December 3, 2009

How stuff works?

People says, knowledge is power. Yeah... yeah.. yeah. When we keep on doing the same thing over and over again, we become expert in doing it but at the same time, the repeated process (and the same knowledge received repeatedly) become our boredom. So, if you are an estimator, doing estimate everyday (because that is what you do for a living) can bored you, if you are a project manager, managing projects for years (even though it's a different project every 2 to 3 years) make you boring too.

So, due to this facts, we tend to find other things to do beside our daily routine. This is where hobbies come in. But to most of us, hobby can only be one or two because most hobbies require certain amount of financial investment. But most of the time, one or two hobby would be sufficient to give colors to our live.

But to those whom are hungry for more knowledge or information (not just the knowledge from the 2 or 3 hobbies), the internet is a good place to start. One of the place I found very interesting is here :

ps//  Find a hobby guys/gals............ he... he... he..........

Happy browsing!

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