Shared Values

Innovative, Cohesiveness, Loyalty, Integrity, Professionalism

Dalam perlak ada kebun
Dalam kebun ada tanaman
Dalam gelak ada pantun
Dalam pantun ada mainan

Monday, November 30, 2009

Siapa sakit naik atas......

I found this image on a website. During the intervention programme we did discuss about ants didn't we? But I don't remember which shared value it belongs to?

Argghhhh..... I am getting old. Forgetfull already....Oooopsssss.... reason... RM2 ..... he... he... he..........

Thursday, November 26, 2009

She is beautiful?

She's a beauty, isn't she?
Well, at least for me. I don't know why but whenever images of the same nature come into my view, I feel excited, comfort and energised!
What about you gals and guys? Anything that make you feel like I am now.........

We've got complaint!

I was shocked when Pn Noraishah call me this morning. She said she had a complaint from someone. This someone, was complaining about this blog........

Why it has not been updated for so long?

Thank you 'someone'... thank you very much. I've never thought that this blog has been keenly followed. My mistake. I under estimate the interest of the masses in this organisation.

Tell you what.... I will make it a priority to update this blog..... I cannot promise you wonders but if I fail to come up with an update, please remind me again...........

Errrgghhhh.................... semangat baru niii!!!!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Meaning of COHESIVE

After going through quite a lot of transformation activities (introduction, awareness, intervention session) I am still not clear what 'cohesiveness' means. So, being myself, I searched the internet. This is my finding......

Muahahahahaaaa.......... I really feel like laughing it out...... berdaya lekit lekitan...... muahahahaaaaaaa.....
.... a cohesive group = kumpulan yang padu ....
Ok... that's quite acceptable......

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Transformasi dan Innovasi

Di atas adalah sebahagian daripada teks ucapan YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak,  semasa pembentangan bajet 2010.

Kita dapati bahawa, inovasi merupakan salah satu kualiti yang ditekankan untuk menyemarakkan pembangunan Malaysia.

Kita dapati juga, negara ini sedang menjalankan proses transformasi ke arah kemajuan yang melibatkan berbagai bidang.

Jadi, tindakan KLCC melakuakan proses yang sama adalah merupakan satu tindakan yang sejajar dengan arah tuju kemajuan negara. Cuma, kita melakukannya pada kadar yang jauh lebih kecil dari apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

We put so much effort, so much time, so much man hours in this transformation, to transform a group of companies with only 900 people. Just imagine, how much effort is needed to transform a nation of 25 million people. I feel like getting sick just thinking of it..........(because of the magnitude of effort / work / comitment to the transformation........)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mindset Programme - Session 11 Starts Today!

The programme rest for a bout 2 weeks. Today we start again and it is session 11. We are hoping that all the participant will be having a good time.

Good luck everyone!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Want to Help A Fellow Photographer to A Leica M9?

It is always a great pleasure to see a friend dream comes true. I am sure he has been dreaming about it day and night. Maybe this can help......................

Want to Help A Fellow Photographer to A Leica M9?

Posted using ShareThis

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mindset Meeting 04112009 - Innovative

We had a meeting yesterday. One of the thing we talked about....... INNOVATIVE

This is one of the shared value that we are trying to understand. Innovative is mostly about dealing with people creativity. In our case, staffs creativity. Creativity alone will not be of any good. It must be translated to presenting it and acting on it. So, how do you handle creativity or in a more simple word, ideas?

We also discussed in some details about the way management should handle ideas. We realised that management must create environment for creativity or in a bigger word, management should create platform for INNOVATION.

Being in KLCC for 12 years, I had this feeling that, somehow, this has got to be improved.

So, we come up with these ideas.............

...... Innovation Year Award
...... Innovation talks
...... Innovation box

GREEN POLICY.... ehmmmmm.... another issue which require some innovation!

"Innovation . . . is generally understood as the successful introduction of a new thing or method . . . Innovation is the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services".

"All innovation begins with creative ideas . . . We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second".

"Innovation, like many business functions, is a management process that requires specific tools, rules, and discipline."

If you need more details on the meeting, refer to Pn R Selina. She got it all on her note book..... muahahaaaaa........ Jgn mare Pn R Selina.............

Monday, November 2, 2009

3 Stages Of Mindset Programme

An we are in stage 1 now! There are lot more to go.......................

Productive Discussion!

Mindset Lab had a meeting on the 29th October 2009. Long and productive meeting.

We had a run through the MC presentation. Polishing whatever necessary. We chip in ideas, we comment, we make good. Really feel good working together.

Thanks to Pn Noraishah, Pn R Selina, Cik Rini, En Fauzi and me.

After the first session, we continue with the second one. Brain storming I guest. But me do exchange some tips and tricks which could be used in our daily life. But this session was without Pn R Selina. She has got other matter to attend to.

.... but it was a great session.

Meeting adjourn at 13:30hr....... perghhhhh.......... that was four and a half hours of great discussion.....

Thank you all!

I wonder how's the MC presentation.... maybe I'll check with Pn Noraishah. I'll let you know as soon as I get something.