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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can you remember 1070 digit.......

Yes, I mean 1070 digits, not number 1070!

I attended a speed reading course yesterday. It covers topics of Speed Reading and Memory Management. It was nothing new, because I've read it in books before.

But the difference was the practical training / hands on part. You were shown how to use the system and benefit from it.

One of the best way to remember things / list / event accurately / sequentially, is by associating them with things that are familiar to us. To do this, we design a sequence of event / location / item which we call 'the journey'. Then, we associated them.

 Since the brain record images better than anything else, almost everything in the process were being related to images. The rest is all about................................

Practise.... practise... practise........

If you have a chance to attend this training, drop everything else...... attend.

1 comment:

  1. Why not those who have attended does the free download as it will sharpen your skill further and become a powerful presenter !!!!!
